Writing seems like such leisurely work that it’s difficult to take it seriously. I procrastinate more when writing a paper than any other assignment because of that particular quality. I can indulge my short attention span just as I would if you were playing a video game or skipping through my ipod. All art is this way. That’s why it’s so easy to fail at creating art. You can imagine yourself to be working hard – you can spend hours and hours a day trying to create that work of art – but you are still procrastinating. Real creative work happens quickly and takes a kind of discipline that most people don’t have, that I am attempting to develop. It’s why writing teachers tell you, just write. You simply have to do it. It takes a mind that is conditioned and strong to face the problem of creation constantly, persistently, without deviation from the issue at hand. I guess what I’m saying is it takes more focus than you probably realize. You might even call it obsession. I need this obsession.
The reason I'm writing in this so much is that coffee bean's internet enforces this ten minute break every two hours, and I'm opening up a word document and rambling.
Took a picture of The Wiltern next door on each two hour break:

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